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God Hears You

"Does God hear my prayers?" It's a question more people seem to be quietly asking themselves these days.

Many of us have prayed time and time again, yet no matter how much we have prayed, we don't seem to see any results. After a while, this can leave people feeling despondent, even abandoned by God. I've heard people claim that God left them; not true, but it's honestly how they felt.

But really, is it any surprise? We're certainly not at a loss for things that can go awry. With all that is going on in the world, not to mention all that can go wrong in our personal lives, there is a point where it's natural to wonder what's going on.

For example, on the national and international front, Christians (and Muslims) are being driven from their homes, and even beheaded, in predominantly Muslim countries. Israel is under constant threat of attack. The sex slave industry is not only alive and well, but thriving. Religious liberties -- not to mention the freedoms of all people -- are under attack here in the U.S., and often much more so abroad. And there is much, much more that could be cited.

Not only that, but there are a lot of personal issues people are dealing with, such as finances, illnesses, and relationships, to name a few. A lot of us have things we are praying for which haven't materialized. And be they prayers for ourselves or for others, for needs or for desires, out of desperation or simply on a whim, sometimes it can seem like our prayers fall on deaf ears. In fact, some of us have been praying and waiting on God for many years -- decades even -- but still have yet to see God's answer.

As I'm sure many of us can imagine, having waged many hard-fought battles in life, and in prayer, and having seen little or no positive results, can make a person weary. We can begin to wonder where is God, what is He doing, and why doesn't He answer our prayers. Sometimes we begin to wonder if we are a good enough person for God to hear our prayers, or if we have done something to offend God. Sometimes we even wonder if God cares enough to hear our prayers, much less answer them.

Unfortunately, it can be a bit taboo to wonder such things within some Christian circles, much less admit to having such thoughts. After all, we all know there are often expectation for us to live up to in short order, rather than being given the room to grow into the person Christ wants us to be. We know there are those who are at the ready to let out a shout of "Oh ye of little faith!" the moment they hear of another's struggles. But, oh ye give me a break. The only people who have never wavered in their faith are Jesus, and those who have never had their faith tested. All others have, and have probably done so multiple times.

If this describes you and your situation, then from someone who has had many of these very same questions on more than one occasion, and who has sought very long and very hard for the answers to them, allow me assure you, God does hear your prayers. It doesn't matter what you may have done, or how imperfect of a person you may be. It doesn't matter what church or denomination you belong to, if any. It doesn't even matter what anyone else has said, or how you've been critiqued, or if people look down on you... God hears your prayers.

However, let's sort this out properly. Often when people ask "Does God hear my prayers?" what they are really asking is, "Why doesn't God answer my prayers?" They really aren't asking about His ability to hear them, but rather, His response, and His willingness to give them what they ask. They know He's God, and they know He can hear them, they just wonder why He hasn't done anything.

But here again, as a person with experience in this area, I can tell you with absolute certainty, God answers prayers. He isn't a God who sits idly by, hearing the prayers of His children and then doing nothing, as it seems to some. He is a God who answers the prayers of His children.

So then the question becomes, "Why don't I see my prayers fulfilled?"

I have to admit, it amazes me how many sermons, books, articles, and what have you have been produced around this one subject -- getting our prayers answered. In some cases, they have some valid points. In other cases, not so much. But ultimately, the answer is simple, really... do what God says to do.

No, I'm not talking about keeping all the rules. And no, I'm not talking about being a 100% perfect person. And I am certainly not talking about doing all the things that please man and fulfill their criteria of who is in right standing with God. I'm talking about doing as God directs you to do. It's a simple concept really, but the simplicity of it seems to get lost in a fog of questions, unanswered prayers, and disappointments.

For example, let's say we are asking God to make us a millionaire. (Oh come on, most of us have done it at some point, if only in our heart.) So God hears us, and He answers, even if we don't hear His response. And the first thing He says is, "Okay, but first, you have to learn to put money in its proper perspective." Money can destroy people when they aren't ready for it, especially large sums of money, and God isn't going to give His children something they aren't ready for. Then He says, "You also have to learn how to manage the money I give you, and be faithful with it." So we need to learn how to save, how to invest, when to buy something, when not to buy something, etc. We also need to learn to be obedient to His word concerning finances, and faithful in our tithes and offerings. God also says "You also have to develop a skill, a good work ethic, and some business acumen to open the door for the money you are asking for."

Essentially, when we ask God for something, God often has things for us to do. He has to prepare us to receive what we are asking for. God is more than happy, in most cases, to fulfill our requests, but we have to cooperate with Him to receive His answer.

Sure, on occasion we are already as prepared as we can be beforehand, and our prayers are answered rather quickly, but sometimes this isn't the case. Sometimes we have to be prepared to receive His answer. Therefore, He has to prepare us by getting us into a position where we can receive His answer and not be destroyed by it.

This is how God works, but this isn't something we are often told, much less taught on a regular basis. In fact, many don't even know this is how God works.

Because of this, when we pray for God to make us a millionaire, many of us expect a check to arrive in the mail in the next few days. Sometimes we even become upset, wondering why God hasn't answered our prayers. But the truth is, He has answered, but we haven't done the things we need to do to receive His answer. And the first thing we need to do is seek His direction.

Seeking God's direction is monumentally important. We should be listening far more than we are speaking. I know there are those who teach that more prayer is more better, but if we are always praying, yet never listening, then it is far less likely for us to receive the directions we need for our prayers to be answered.

Yes, by all means, make your prayers and petitions known to God. In fact, take time to ask God for His direction. Then, after you do, take time to listen. As you do, you may feel the tug of the Holy Spirit leading you in a direction. You may hear that still small voice saying "go this way." Or you may have a scripture you read leap off the page at you. When you do, pay attention.

Before God can answer our prayers, there may be something we need to understand. There may be something we need to do. There may even be something we need to change. Our understanding of scripture may be wrong. Our way of doing things may be wrong. Our treatment of others may be wrong -- whatever the case may be. We'll never know if we don't seek God's direction.

Try asking the Lord to show you what it is you need to see. "Lord, what am I not seeing? What am I not understanding? What do you want me to know? What do you want me to do? Please, show me where I've been wrong. Show me where I need to change." Do this, not just once, not just twice, but until God answers. Then when He responds, do what He says. Do what God says to do, even if you can't see the connection between it and the answer to your prayers.

But listen, I want to be clear. I am in no way saying that if you do these things, then there is a 100% certainty God will give you what you are asking for. Let's not forget that God has a will and a plan of His own, and our prayers may not be in accordance with His plans. Let's not forget He has a plan for your life, and He knows what needs to happen to get you to where you need to be. Let's not forget our potential for asking for something for misguided reasons. (See James 4:3) And let's not forget the fact that sometimes we simply won't understand what it is God has to do to answer our prayers. Sometimes, we just have to go through whatever it is God sets before us, and we will only understand once we have made it through to the other side. (Read the story of Joseph in Genesis chapters 37 to 50 to see what I mean.)

There is no formula that can guarantee the answers to our prayers with 100% certainty. However, seeking the Lord, and being obedient to His direction, will drastically increase your chances of receiving answers to your prayers.

Remember, God is a good God, and He will not withhold any good thing from those who live in obedience to Him, and do the things He says to do. (Psalm 84:11) So pray, but then listen. Seek God and ask Him what it is He would have you do. Seek Him, and keep seeking Him, not only to obtain the things you want, but to do the things He wants.

Matthew 10:29-31 (NIV) Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Psalm 84:11 (KJV) For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

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May God bless you richly!

Mark Moyers

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