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Response to Question #1

I had someone post a question on my page today -- publicly. After writing my response, I decided I would share it with all of you as I am sure this isn't the only person to have a question like this. In fact, I'm sure there are many who think similarly, or feel similarly, or at least wonder in their hearts, yet don't ever voice their questions, or doubts, to anyone.

From Isaac...

"I hate this world,i hate islam & christian philosophy of God's care and love 4 humanity cos i'v come to know some how that they'r all lie's if not,why is the world falling every day without the so call God interviening or was He(God)not the one that that created the world.God and the devil is useing human like animals that any can be use for sacrifice any time just like the blood of the lamb."

My response...


Hi Isaac,

Yours is a question that has been asked repeatedly throughout the ages. And, in fact, it's a natural question to ask.

When we see bad things happening, it's natural to wonder, "Why didn't God intervene? Why didn't God do something when it is within His power to do so?" I've wondered the same thing myself on a number of occasions.

On the surface, it seems like a very reasonable, very simple question to ask. Why? Just... why? What could be simpler? However, when we look at it in depth -- when we factor in all we know about God, His nature, His word, the enemy, the people, the nature of this world, and the laws of creation that govern all of these things -- it actually becomes a very complex question. A question that isn't always so easily answered.

So where does this leave us, and how how does this help?

I'm someone who likes to understand. I like to know the "why's" of any given thing that may be happening. And while I have never been under the threat of beheading at the hands of another, I have had quite a lot of unfair, unjust, and unrighteous things happen to me over the course of my life. Enough to cause me to seek God for understanding.

I have sought God endlessly, and relentlessly, on a myriad of subjects and questions over the years. Sometimes the answers came quickly, and sometimes it took years before I received an answer. And sometimes, just as you, I had to wonder why God would do certain things, or why He would allow certain things to happen. In fact, at times, it seemed very convincing that God was on the wrong side of an issue. That is, until I understood.

Isaac, the best answer I can give you is that we have to recognize that we may not have the full picture of what is happening. Our scope of vision is limited, to say the least, but God sees everything. We have to recognize that we don't understand the depths of all existence, nor the far-reaching implications of something, that is, until God opens our eyes to see and to understand.

So until understanding comes, we have a choice to make. We can either take God at His word, believing He sees the larger picture, and knows better than we do. Or, we can focus on our own very limited view, and our very limited understanding, and make judgments based on that.

No, this doesn't mean that everything is God's will, therefore we don't need to pray, or take action, or try to help people. And it sure doesn't mean we allow evil to reign, and allow society to run amok. It just means we choose to trust God over and above our lack of understanding, and our lack of ability to see the bigger picture... or we don't.

I encourage you to believe God. Even though things may appear to be in total opposition to God's word, I encourage you to believe God. Even though what we see may be appear to be thoroughly convincing of some other truth, I encourage you to believe God.

Why? Because what we see can be used to deceive us. What we see is limited in scope. What we can understand, even comprehend, is limited in scope. And to judge God based on the actions of another, or to judge God based on our perception of what God is or isn't doing... it would be a great mistake to make. We simply don't have enough information. It would be like calling a person racist based on nothing more than their skin color. Or calling someone sexist based on nothing more than their gender.

As I said, I have sought God long and hard over many things, and for what it's worth, Isaac, I can tell you this... Everything I have sought God about has turned out to be exactly as He has said it is. I have found God to absolutely be the loving, kind, gentle, and caring God you hear people say He is. Even the things in the Bible which seem to be contrary to His nature of love and kindness, are not contrary to these. And, I have found Him to be all these things in the midst of great turmoil.

I could have easily allowed my human side to take over, and only paid attention to my circumstances, or to a few choice facts. I could have easily cried out "Where is this God of the Bible!" and doubt not only His existence, but His love for His children. But if I had, I would have never come to know this amazing, awesome God that I know today. It would have been a great loss for me.

Those people who tell you that God -- the Christian God -- is loving and caring, are telling you the truth. They are a witness to this truth, and a signpost to you and to others, to point you in the right direction. Don't allow doubt to point you somewhere else.

I encourage you to get to know God intimately. Spend time with Him. Talk to Him. Share your heart with Him, and any questions or doubts you may have. Read His word, and believe Him -- He doesn't lie. And as you do, in time, the answers will come. Understanding will come. Maybe not about everything, but quite a bit.

Father.... God you know the struggles Isaac is going through. You know the turmoil, the frustrations, the questions that he has. Father, I ask that You silence all the voices that are not You, and give him peace. Cause him to see, with his very own eyes, the goodness that is You. Let it be unmistakable, and unavoidable, that Isaac would know beyond a shadow of a doubt that You are indeed God, and that You are true to Your word 100%, 100% of the time. Guide his footsteps, Father, and keep him in Your path. In Jesus Name, Amen.


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May God bless you richly!

Mark Moyers

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